[Translate to Englisch:] Außenansicht Bürogebäude
[Translate to Englisch:] Industrie und Logistik Anlage, Halle, Außenansicht
[Translate to Englisch:] Außenansicht Wohnhäuser

Investment Properties

Quality – Security – Profitability

For successful investments and sales

Quality, security, profitability: These are the key criteria when it comes to investment decisions.

We are experts in the areas of investment properties and plots. Over the years we have assisted various acclaimed national and international investors as well as wealthy individuals during their investment decisions. Our focus areas are the Rhineland and the Ruhr region, however, as part of a network of leading real estate experts, we also provide successful and reliable support to customers nationwide.

Our services will impress you down to the last detail. We are here to assist you during the sale or purchase of all types of investment properties – office and commercial buildings, shopping centres, logistics facilities, hotels, residential estates and apartment buildings, as well as plots. Strategically, conceptionally and professionally from preliminary discussions through to the conclusion of a contract. Our network is based on many years of successful activities, it is always up to date and it enables us to tell, which buyer is a good match for which investment property or plot. It goes without saying that we continuously monitor the changing portfolio strategies of both buyers and sellers. All of these aspects are combined to form the foundation for a successful investment or the completion of a sale.

To get an idea of the quality of our services, please take a look at the references section, where you will find a few examples of transactions we have handled to date.

Apartment Buildings

Apartment buildings are complex investment products that require specialist experience and expertise, in particular during a sales process.

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Commercial Properties

Investing in commercial properties requires particular expertise. You have come to the right place for this type of know-how. Rely on our competent and comprehensive consultation, sound analysis and personal support during all stages of a real estate transaction.

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Beitrag: Kölner Gewerbeprojekte

Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger und Kölnischen Rundschau /// Ein angespannter Markt - Experten aus der Immobilienbranche diskutierten intensiv beim „Runden Tisch Kölner Gewerbeprojekte“

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Köln im Fokus nationaler und internationaler Investoren

Investmentmarktbericht - März 2017

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Rekord-Hoch auf dem Kölner Immobilienmarkt

Investmentmarktbericht - März 2016

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Hotel, Retail


Hotel, Retail

Purchasing Price>100 m. €
Seller:Property Developer
Type of Use:Hotel, Retail
Floor Space:Approx. 12,000 m²
Type of Property:Investment

Hotel and retail complex in Cologne's prime location. Consultation services and sales process based on individual presentations.


Office Building


Office Building

Purchasing Price:> 25 Mio. €
Seller:Institutional Customer
Type of Use:Newly Constructed Office Building
Floor Space:Approx. 6,055 m²
Type of Property:Investment

structured sales process


Retail Parks


Retail Parks

Purchasing Price:Not Specified
Seller:Property Developers
Type of Use:Retail Parks
Floor Space:Approx. 51,000 m²
Location:Dortmund & Mannheim
Type of Property:Investment


Apartment Complex


Apartment Complex

Type of Property:Apartment Building
Floor Space:Approx. 1,537 m²
Type of Use:Residential Complex
Seller:Institutional Client


Apartment Building


Apartment Building

Type of Property:Apartment Building
Type of Use:Residential and Commercial Building
Floor Space:Approx. 616 m²
Seller:Private Individual


Office Building


Office Building

Type of Property:Investment
Seller:Private Investor
Type of Use:Office Building
Floor Space:approx. 13,850 m²


Office Building


Office Building

Type of Property:Investment
Seller:Private Investor
Type of Use:Office Building
Floor Space:approx. 1,800 m²